icare has announced that it is now accepting nominations for the aware awards, with NSW businesses now able to nominate either themselves, or a business they know, for an award.
The awards program was designed to recognise NSW businesses that strive to keep their people safe and healthy through workplace initiatives.
“Over the coming months we’ll be acknowledging the businesses who clearly value their employees by investing in innovative initiatives,” said Jason McLaughlin, icare’s general manager of injury prevention and pricing. “For the past two years we have rewarded businesses who strive to keep their people safe through the icare aware award, but we are formalising the award, opening it up to nominations from industry.”
McLaughlin said the move was to enable NSW businesses “to showcase their efforts to embed a culture that supports strong safety behaviours.”
Winners of the icare aware award will receive automatic selection into the icare Care and Service Excellence (CASE) awards.
The NSW care and insurance provider said its team of injury-prevention specialists will team up with NSW businesses even more closely over the next 12 months to “design a voluntary program where icare will support employers to develop practical improvement plans for injury prevention.”
“Working to reduce workplace injuries not only ensures NSW workers reach home safely every day, it also makes good business sense,” McLaughlin said. “icare rewards safe employers with lower premiums which means more money to invest in growing their business.”