RSA, UK Youth team up

Initiative aimed at helping young people in two key cities

RSA, UK Youth team up

Non-Profits & Charities

By Terry Gangcuangco

RSA Insurance has embarked on a significant collaboration with national youth work charity UK Youth to help young people access career opportunities as part of promoting social mobility.

A two-year initiative in Manchester and Liverpool, the ‘Building Aspirations Programme’ is set to enhance the employability skills of 120 young individuals annually through a special curriculum and by providing them with scholarships for additional training or necessary equipment.

The new partnership targets young individuals who are significantly removed from the job market and face notable barriers to employment. It was noted that rates of youth not in education, employment, or training (NEET) in Manchester and Liverpool are twice as high as the national average.

The programme is structured to be delivered via Greater Manchester Youth Network and Rise Up in Manchester and Merseyside Community Training and Youth Fed in Liverpool. These organisations will receive specialised training and mentoring to effectively deliver the UK Youth-designed employability curriculum and establish connections with employers.

As part of the tie-up, RSA employees will contribute by mentoring youth workers, helping them make business connections, and providing career insights.

“We’re delighted to partner with RSA Insurance in our mission to empower young people and promote social mobility,” UK Youth chief executive Ndidi Okezie OBE (pictured) said. “Together, we will create tangible opportunities for those who are not accessing education, employment, or training to thrive and succeed.

“Through this strategic partnership, RSA Insurance and UK Youth are poised to make a meaningful difference in the lives of young people across the UK, working towards our vision for every young person to not only thrive but actively contribute to their communities, driving positive change and building a more resilient and prosperous society for generations to come.”

Meanwhile RSA chief people officer Georgina Farrell commented: “I’m absolutely thrilled about this partnership – I have a profound respect for youth work and all that it achieves. We’ve such a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm among our colleagues at RSA, and a well-established practice of giving back and volunteering time in our local communities.

“I’m really excited to get fully immersed into the Building Aspirations Programme and help by transferring the skills of my day job to uplift talent and support young people in the North West to achieve their goals and their career potential.”

The partnership will officially be introduced at this year’s BIBA Conference in Manchester, with a launch event scheduled at The Edwardian Manchester Hotel at 4:30pm on May 15.

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