The active underwriter of Syndicate 2525 is taking a sabbatical for six months effective immediately.
According to Asta Managing Agency (AMA), David Dale’s time away from the syndicate is due to personal reasons. Further details have not been provided.
In the interim, Syndicate 2525’s deputy active underwriter Tony Ive will be managing all underwriting matters.
Meanwhile AMA also disclosed that Rob Neil has resigned and is leaving the syndicate in December. The departing executive is class underwriter on Syndicate 2525’s international account.
“The syndicate is currently in discussion with Tim Butcher, the senior class underwriter for the international account who was due to retire at the end of 2019, regarding the possibility of extending his leaving date to provide cover while a suitably experienced replacement underwriter to lead the account is recruited,” noted the managing agent.
“AMA and the team at Syndicate 2525 are working closely together to ensure the best interests of the syndicate’s members are preserved for 2020 and beyond.”