New apps are popping up every day, but this one is tailored to iPads and is touted to enhance the broker/customer service experience.
Chubb Insurance Company of Canada has introduced a new iPad app,
Chubb Mobile, to facilitate marketing by brokers and to further enhance customer service.
“The new Chubb Mobile app will take us a step further in providing outstanding remote access to everything brokers need when presenting Chubb to their customers,” says Paul Johnstone, senior vice president of Chubb Canada. “Helping our brokers make the most of their time is important to us, and we'll continue to support them by providing this and other e-business tools.”
The shift to hand-held devices is being driven by both the technology and those Millennials who prefer to do their business from their smart devices.
Zakia Campbell, an executive vice president of Willis’ financial institutions group and North American practice co-leader, points to a TD Bank survey shows that the majority of Millennials bank on line or via a mobile device.
“The Millennials are now finishing college, starting careers, and are about to buy homes,” says Campbell. “They are a large demographic segment and when coupled with their smaller predecessors in Gen X, this is a huge group of customers who want a new way to do business.”
A PwC survey of respondents outside of the North America found Millennials would pay extra for enhanced mobile services, as well as pay extra for relevant third-party offers and storage of key documents in a virtual vault.
The Chubb app provides brokers with remote access to Chubb Personal Insurance marketing materials, customer information and quoting tools. Chubb Mobile users can quickly create and share proposals tailored to their customers' insurance needs by accessing brochures, highlight sheets and videos. (continued.)
The app also provides access to Chubb Canada's website, claims reporting information and the password-protected @ChubbCanada website, which enables brokers to view and manage their customers' insurance portfolios. The app and supporting marketing materials are also available in French.
In addition, the Chubb Mobile app can connect brokers to Chubb's Accent magazine, which provides relevant lifestyle content; industry updates and news through Chubb's corporate Facebook page and Twitter feed; and additional educational product and service support via the Chubb YouTube Channel.