Three ways to hang on to a 'hopper'

When hiring a hopper, you’re caught in a catch-22: they’re ambitious and motivated, but they’re also keenly aware of all the other opportunities out there.

Insurance News


When hiring a job-hopper, you’re caught in a catch-22 – they’re ambitious, motivated and moving up the ladder fast; but they’re also keenly aware of all the other opportunities out there.

So do you hire someone who might be less talented but is likely to stick around or do you hire the go-getter who will likely leave you for greener-pastures?

Well, recruitment expert Julia Weeks says it doesn’t have to be one or the other – it seems employers can have their cake and eat it after all.

“The decision to hire a job hopper is typically a touchy subject that many companies ultimately decide to run away from as fast as possible,” says Weeks.

But it doesn’t have to be a doomed decision when you take on a notorious job-hopper. According to Weeks, there are three issues employers should focus on to keep fleeting workers on board.

1. Keep it interesting

“Many job hoppers change jobs so frequently because they love the thrill of a new challenge,” explains Weeks.

But, according to her, the employees who are most excited about their jobs to begin with often become bored after a year or so – as soon as there’s nothing left to challenge them. (continued.)

“When hiring a job hopper, you need to make sure that you are able to offer continued opportunities to learn something new.”

2. Offer continued growth

So, you’ve gained a great employee who’s mastered their role and is keen to take on new challenges. Now you need to give them a reason to stay.

“Offer the chance for advancement into roles that are desirable to your employee based on desires and goals.  If your job hopper aspires to be in management, make it known that this possibility exists with your company,” says Weeks.

3. Keep them included

“One of the most important things you can do for your job hopper is to truly welcome him to your team,” says Weeks.

We all know how important the people you work with are – they make or break your day and team dynamics have a huge impact on work satisfaction.

“If your job hopper has solid relationships built with you and your staff, he will be more likely to stick around longer,” says Weeks.

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