Life insurance specialist TAL is running a training course to help financial advisers understand and support their customers who may be suffering from grief.
TAL’s Supporting Grieving Clients Course, run through TAL Risk Academy by Glenn Baird, TAL’s head of mental health, will help advisers better understand the support they can provide customers who may be suffering from grief, as well as learn about other resources they can access to provide customers additional help when they need it.
“Under the new adviser education requirements, financial advisers have increased requirements to obtain continuous professional development (CPD) hours across various FASEA areas, one of which is client care and practice,” said Beau Riley, TAL head of licensees and partnerships. “While current education options traditionally offer a lot of course content in the technical space, there is a need for more support in the soft skills space. Very little training is available to equip advisers to have the right conversations when their customers are suffering from grief. Feedback from advisers tells us that this is the most important area they need to get right to effectively support their customers and that having these skills can be a real differentiator.”
Riley said the course will help advisers develop core soft skills such as improving empathy, recognising grief symptoms, and responding to grieving people.
The course is available on-demand and is free to attend with one CPD hour available. Visit the TAL Risk Academy website for more information or to enrol.