There is nothing quite like a feel-good story to start a new working year and a collaboration between insurers and the Scout Association of South Australia acts as a timely reminder of the great work brokers and insurers do across Australia.
With over 3000 members of the Scout Association across South Australia, one of the integral meeting halls of the community was destroyed by fire following an electrical fault at the Golden Grove Scout Hall.
The Scout group had arranged cover through
Ansvar, a specialist in the not-for-profit space, with cover provided by brokers at Willis Adelaide.
Following the fire in February, the loss adjuster visited the scout hall the following morning and work commenced in April of last year to re-build the lost hall with the final claims payment made at the end of November.
Upon the successful completion of the project, the Scouts Association have arranged a special plaque of thanks for Ansvar, Willis, the loss adjuster and the builder to commemorate the collaborative efforts of all those involved in the project.
Willis Adelaide, the broker partner on the project, praised the work of Ansvar through what was a difficult claims process.
James Whalland, account director at Willis Adelaide, said of the rebuild: “The circumstances around this claim were challenging because the original builder allocated to the repair work became insolvent, however Ansvar were very proactive in their management of the situation.
“We were able to work with them closely to achieve the positive outcome of a new multifunctional facility which will serve Scouts and the wider community for many years to come.”
Matthew Fyfe, national property claims manager at Ansvar, said of the project: “This has been a very positive process, and highlights the critical importance of NFP insurance. Our work with a community group, as important as the Scout movement which provides services to thousands of South Australian children and youths, has been a heart-warming experience.
“We enjoyed working with our experienced NFP broker partner, Willis in Adelaide, Loss Adjuster Cliff Yoeman from Equity Adjusters and builder Adelaide All-Trades on such a worthy project to restore the building to its former glory.
“It is gratifying to see how this time of year brings out the best in people and how a positive claims experience combined with strong partnerships can have such a positive effect on the community,” Fyfe continued.
CEO of Scouts SA, Dan Ryan, was full of praise for both Ansvar and Willis Adelaide as the redesigned hall will prove integral to the community in the future.
“Scouts SA is delighted with the outcome and the terrific support given to the Golden Grove Scouts in South Australia by ANSVAR. We know that the Golden Grove Scout Group is totally grateful to ANSVAR, and to Willis our brokers, and we are so relieved that our youth members can now get back to growing and flourishing at one of our most vibrant Scout Groups.”