QBE Insurance, in collaboration with The Core Agency, has come up with a new integrated campaign on compulsory third party (CTP) insurance in South Australia.
The campaign follows a major road safety campaign aimed at reducing state road toll in South Australia.
QBE’s animated campaign style introduces a new character, named Rego, to “cut through” and “engage” customers “in a fun and friendly way” about CTP insurance, which Christian Finucane, founder and creative partner at The Core Agency, said most people don’t take a lot of interest in, AdNews reported.
Bettina Pidcock, chief marketing officer at QBE Insurance, said the campaign will help the insurer win against local providers in the extremely competitive South Australian CTP market.
“By introducing the new ‘Rego’ character, we make a clear link as to when customers need to consider QBE for their CTP insurance,” Pidcock said in the AdNews report.