New opportunity for innovative Australian start-ups

Interested parties only have until January 26 to file their application

New opportunity for innovative Australian start-ups

Insurance News

By Mina Martin

In collaboration with fintech accelerator Stone & Chalk, global IT company DXC Technology has launched a national competition to foster the growth and innovation of Australian start-ups in the insurance sector.

The DXC SpringBoard competition invites late-stage start-ups to enter one of its two categories for the chance to win a cash prize of $4,000, a partnership with DXC, and the opportunity to present at a Sydney industry conference on March 07.

The two categories are:
  • An existing solution to plug into DXC Technology’s Digital Insurance as a Service (DIaaS) platform;
  • A standalone solution for insurers with a focus on prevention, remediation, and customer engagement
Applicants will also get to participate in workshops led by DXC and Stone & Chalk to help them prepare for the final presentation and demonstration, to a judging panel of senior leaders from DXC, Stone & Chalk, IAG, AIG, and other insurers and industry associations.

Applications close on January 26, and winners will be announced at the conference in March.

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