Insurtech will 'absolutely' move goalposts on customer service

Expert reveals where he sees the biggest change taking place

Insurtech will 'absolutely' move goalposts on customer service

Insurance News

By Jordan Lynn

Insurtech could “absolutely” move the goalposts when it comes to customer service, particularly in the area of claims, an expert has said.

Clint Kerekes, global chief operating officer at Claim Central, said that he believes insurtech could totally revamp the industry from a customer experience perspective.

“Insurtech has the ability to impact and improve customer service at each touchpoint across the insurance value chain,” Kerekes told Insurance Business. “The biggest impact is moving away from a reactive claims service to a proactive service.”

Kerekes noted that he sees customers themselves “moving the goalposts” when it comes to the service that they expect, and incumbents will have to try and keep up.

“Insurtech will allow the industry to keep up with these ever changing expectations,” Kerekes continued. “Incumbents can and are responding to this. They need to keep up with customer expectations.”

As for brokers, Kerekes said that while intermediaries have always prided themselves on being able to provide “a more personable experience,” insurtech will enable them to “keep this promise” as the industry continues to shift.

Finally, on challenges facing the industry as it looks to implement technology across the value chain, Kerekes said that insurtech firms and incumbents need to keep one thing in mind: “Is what we are providing actually what the customer cares about?”

To hear more about the benefits and challenges of technology, be sure to attend the inaugural Insurance Business Insurtech Summit at the Amora Hotel Jamison Sydney on Tuesday, May 08.

This event has been accredited for 5 CPD points by the National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA).

Check out the full program here.


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