Five Minutes With...Prudence Chang, National Credit Insurance Brokers

Prudence Chang, senior BDM at National Credit Insurance Brokers, talks about revamping the way insurers choose trade credit brokers, the problem with "uneducated brokers" and dining with the most powerful man in the world.

Insurance News


Why insurance?
I was in real estate and was lucky enough to be asked to join the National Credit Insurance (brokers) Pty Ltd team!

How would you sum up insurance brokers in three words?
 Knowledge is power.

How would you change the industry?
 I would request the insurers to create a checklist of knowledge; training and experience a broker must have to qualify as a specialist trade credit insurance broker, in both credit and policy wording. NCI puts a lot of effort into maintaining staff knowledge of the credit industry, knowledge of changes to government Acts that affect credit, internal systems to qualify limits for policies and growing trade credit insurance awareness in general.  I believe this should be the minimum requirement to qualify as a specialist trade credit broker.

What’s the most important thing a broker can do to develop their business?
Always keep to your word. If you say you will do something or call someone back do it!

What’s the biggest challenge facing the industry today?
Uneducated brokers under insuring their clients so they are unable to make appropriate claims. This is evident in Trade Credit Insurance where non specialist brokers are trying to put together policies which are not suited to their client’s requirements.

What has been the highlight of your career?
 I have been fortunate to have many highlights. My more recent highlight would have to be in 2012 where I took out three out of three NCI awards being Sales Person of the Year, Sales $ Award for the Year and Executive Team Sales Achieve of the year. On top of this I was also placed as number 16 in the Elite Brokers awards through Insurance Business magazine and number one for a specialist trade credit broker.
What’s your favoured style of coffee?
Easy! Mocha with extra chocolate. I am a sweet tooth!

NRL, AFL, soccer or other?
I am Victorian, AFL- COME ON THE PIES!

If you could invite three people to dinner, dead or alive, and excluding family and friends, who would they be and why?
Barack Obama- most powerful man in the world would have some interesting stories to tell, Oprah Winfrey as I would like to talk to her about her views on woman’s equality throughout the world, Ellen DeGeneres as she would always be a hilarious dinner party guest.

Complete this sentence: If I wasn’t in insurance; I would be… riding horses every day!


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