Boost your business with our magnificent seven tips

Help make your business better than the rest in today’s competitive market by following these simple rules.

Insurance News


In the Australian financial services market, there are more than 2,600 insurance brokers.  In such a competitive market, how can you differentiate and stand out in the crowd? By becoming distinct or specialised.

With rare exceptions, most products and services will at best be
 competitive. To create real differentiation for yourself and your 
company, focus on providing fresh ideas, innovative insights, and
 benefits that addresses your customers’ concerns.

Clifton Warren, the principal of Corporate Eye Consulting, has  seven differentiators that do work and are easy to 

1. Resiliency - There will always be occasions when things don't 
work out as planned, no matter how well prepared. Being able to 
quickly recover, admit mistakes and learn from these setbacks
will be appreciated and applauded by customers, as it provides a 
measure of assurance that you are in it for the long haul.


2. Speed – Many companies are winning new business simply because 
they are fast, reply to e-mails quickly, return phone calls in a 
timely manner, and follow up with requested information promptly.
 Often their products and services are no better than the 
competition; they simply are able to get to the customer first. 


3. Personalisation – Customers are delighted when they actually
 speak to a real person or receive a personalised e-mail reply 
instead of a computer-generated response or out-of-office reply. 
If you must use an automated response, take the time to personalise 
it instead of using the standard stock replies as everyone else. With a little bit of effort, you can create a personalised approach in
 your own style.


4. Value – Do you provide the same services and ideas as your
 competitors? Some companies are great at adapting ideas once the 
market demand is there, while others are continually innovating
 with new ideas and become market leaders. When your customers
 recognise you as an innovator, you will be positioned as a leader 
and your competitors will be forced to follow. This applies to products, services and ideas.


5. Optimism – Research studies have shown that optimistic 
professionals outsell the non-optimistic; the reason is that when
 people are in a certain mood, be it happy or depressed, that mood is
 often communicated to others. What is the mood at your company? 
What is your staff communicating to your customers? 
Being optimistic is a contrarian approach to out-thinking your 
competition. Regardless of what is happening in the world, there is always a different way of looking at things.


6. A real guarantee – A Melbourne search firm provides a 6-month 100%
 guarantee on all searches, and I know of another firm that 
provides a 100% 12-month money-back guarantee. The key to 
developing real guarantees is to keep it simple and easy to
 understand without the small print.


7. Competence – Customers love competence vs. jack-of-all-trades.
 Become a student of your industry and marketplace; learn more than just the 
buzzwords. Most people do not call a handyman to fix an electrical problem—they call a specialist electrician. Your 
customers are more apt to look for help from an expert with 
relevant experience. 

“Forget all of the marketing hype and latest fads,” Warren said. “And instead become
100% focused on the problem and challenges of your market, and 
provide fresh ideas and insights that address their pressing 
issues. You will quickly stand out in the market, and will become
 known as the go-to person.”


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