Hole In One

by Altamont Contingency Underwriting

Media Insurance

Non-Profit Insurance

Sports Insurance

All States



Media Professional Indemnity

London Australia Underwriting Pty Ltd

Management Liability

Ensurance Australia Pty Ltd

Personal Accident and Sickness

AFA Pty Ltd

Miscellaneous Professional Indemnity

SURA Professional Risks Pty Ltd

IMA Social and Digital Media

WIP Group

  • organisers or sponsors of  a charity or corporate golf day or tournament
  • businesses
  • radio stations
  • community / sports clubs
  • not for profits
  • school or community groups
  • any other entity that wants to boost their marketing and/or fund raising efforts by offering the chance to win a large prize at a golf event
Hole In One
  • Prize Indemnity

Complete and up to date listings are our highest priority. We have a dedicated research team working full time on keeping our listings accurate and up to date but sometimes changes happen that we haven’t spotted yet. See something out of date? Please let us know here.

To: Altamont Contingency Underwriting

Hole In One

Hi there I'd like to get some more information about your product, Hole In One
Your enquiry will be forwarded to the relevant underwriter at Altamont Contingency Underwriting. If you do not get a response within 24 hours please contact the IB Markets Team at [email protected]