Carriers Combined Load

by Fleetsure Pty Ltd

Transportation Insurance

All States



Stockfeed Manufacturer

Liberty Specialty Markets

War on Land

Talbot Underwriting Ltd

Transport and Logistics Operator

TT Club Mutual Insurance Ltd (Thomas Miller Australasia Pty Ltd)

General Cargo

Liberty Specialty Markets

Cargo Protect - Combined Cargo


  • general goods and cargo (non-refrigerated, refrigerated, livestock, etc)
  • Inland Marine
  • commercial bulk consignments
  • personal property
  • specialised bulk transport of motor vehicles and heavy machinery, perishable goods, household and personal effects, bloodstock, exotic birds and studs or prize animals, money, cigarettes and tobacco products

Complete and up to date listings are our highest priority. We have a dedicated research team working full time on keeping our listings accurate and up to date but sometimes changes happen that we haven’t spotted yet. See something out of date? Please let us know here.

To: Fleetsure Pty Ltd

Carriers Combined Load

Hi there I'd like to get some more information about your product, Carriers Combined Load
Your enquiry will be forwarded to the relevant underwriter at Fleetsure Pty Ltd. If you do not get a response within 24 hours please contact the IB Markets Team at [email protected]