Pet insurance specialists Petcover and Petplan have merged under a single Petcover Group umbrella.

In a statement, the newly merged organisation said that it aims to create an “unrivalled pet insurance offering for Australian pet owners” under a single brand.

Read more: Very few pet owners have pet insurance

“Petplan, has a reputation for market-leading pet insurance (for dogs, cats, and horses) supported by Australian vets and breeders, while Petcover has built its business around the most extensive range of products including cover for exotics pets,” the group said in its statement. “This change will enable current and future customers to continue to benefit from the experience and track record of trusted market leaders, meeting the needs of their treasured pets, whilst providing exceptional claims service, under one great brand.”

The group also said that the merger “aligns to the regulator view in that it offers customers more choice under one brand rather than offering the same product under multiple brands giving the customer the allusion that they have choice.”

“We simply want to be the best pet insurance provider in Australia with the best products – all tailored to our customers’ needs and budget, with an unrivalled claim service,” said Doug Ford, founder and managing director of the new Petcover Group. “We see this as the single most important role for us to play in this industry. We continue to treat each pet as an individual, asking all the right questions upfront to minimise any cover restrictions and protecting the customer from any unexpected surprises such as a claim being declined, further down the line. Something we have always done, unlike other providers.”

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