If you’re looking to have truly comprehensive coverage, you have to account for the unexpected – which is why alien abduction insurance is a must for those who want to say they’re prepared for every contingency.
Where do you go to get that coverage? Florida agent Mike St. Lawrence, who owns the Saint Lawrence Agency in Altamonte Springs offers limited or comprehensive alien abduction insurance – as well as reincarnation insurance and asteroid insurance, according to a report by local news affiliate Fox 35.
The alien abduction insurance is good for life and provides $10 million in coverage, which covers outpatient psychiatric care, “double identity” coverage and even “sarcasm coverage” for any mockery or sarcasm victims might face from immediate family members in the wake of an alien abduction. The policies are available for $24.95 for a paper copy, and $19.95 for a digital copy, according to Fox 35.
Policyholders need to read the fine print, however – in the event of an approved claim, the policy is payable in instalments of $1 per year over $10 million years.
St. Lawrence told Fox 35 that the policies were intended only for those with a sense of humor.
“To people that come to me, if I don’t think they understand the terms and conditions, that this is tongue-in-cheek, I won’t sell it to them,” he said.
St. Lawrence admitted, however, that he has actually paid out on one claim. One policyholder talked to a professor at MIT who examined an implant that allegedly came from the policyholder’s body. The professor allegedly said that the implant was not made of any earthly substance, according to Fox 35. St. Lawrence said that he considered that to be tangible proof, and the agency paid the claimant $1 per year for 10 years before losing contact with him.
At press time, there was no word on whether the policyholder was still residing on Earth.