Aviva widens appetite for hospitality businesses in Ireland

Decision influenced by reforms

Aviva widens appetite for hospitality businesses in Ireland


By Terry Gangcuangco

Aviva Insurance Ireland is expanding its insurance offerings for hospitality businesses in line with the Action Plan for Insurance Reform in the country.

RTE reported that the insurer will focus on providing coverage for restaurants, pubs, and select hotels, aiming to enhance competition within the insurance market for this sector.

“We believe that Government has done sufficient reform to allow us to widen our appetite, despite more work needed in reducing record plaintiff legal fees and very low plaintiff acceptance rates in the Personal Injuries Resolution Boar,” said Brian Mahon, managing director of commercial lines.

Mahon highlighted the importance of the amendment to the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1995, which took effect on July 31 last year.

“The key measure that influenced our decision to increase our insurance cover to this important sector was driven by the 2023 amendment that governs occupiers’ duty of care under the Occupiers’ Liability Act,” he noted. “The 2023 amendment… introduced some much-needed balance between an occupier’s duty of care and the personal responsibility of visitors to their premises.”

He added that the legal change, combined with the reduction in personal injury awards, has created a more favourable environment for offering liability coverage in Ireland.

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