Women and neurodiversity: unlocking potential in the re/insurance sector

Accessing an untapped reservoir of talent

Women and neurodiversity: unlocking potential in the re/insurance sector

Insurance News


The intersection of women’s health and neurodiversity is an emerging field that sheds light on the unique challenges faced by neurodiverse women, particularly in the workplace. Traditionally, neuro differences such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have been primarily studied in male populations.

This gender bias has led to diagnostic criteria and treatment protocols that often fail to adequately address the female experience, resulting in the underdiagnosis and misdiagnosis of neurodiverse conditions in women. However, as awareness grows, so does the opportunity for the re/insurance sector, to benefit from the diverse perspectives and skills these women bring to the table.

The Value of Neurodiverse Women in Re/insurance

Women in re/insurance, who are neurodiverse represent an untapped reservoir of talent. These individuals often bring unique problem-solving abilities, creativity, and attention to detail, qualities that are highly valuable in a field that thrives on innovative thinking and risk management. Barriers such as late diagnosis, masking, and a lack of understanding and accommodations in the workplace, may hinder their ability to fully contribute. Addressing these challenges is not only a matter of equity but also a strategic business decision that can drive innovation and competitive advantage.

Neurodiverse women often excel in areas that are critical to the reinsurance sector. For example, their ability to hyper-focus and think differently can be invaluable in roles that require intense concentration or creativity, such as data analysis, risk assessment, design, or project management.

Their unique perspectives can lead to innovative solutions that might be overlooked by neurotypical thinkers. Helping these women to thrive, requires a workplace that can be flexible and adapt. Those who identify, or are diagnosed as ADHD are often gifted with the ability to engage and develop deep connections, bringing people together to build communities and teams. 

This is key skill needed within the ire/insurance industry that requires a high degree of social ability. Neurodiverse women also excel in senior leadership roles bringing invaluable perspectives that can challenge conventional thinking and drive innovation. Their unique cognitive approaches and problem-solving abilities are crucial for navigating the complexities of the re/insurance sector, fostering a culture of creativity and resilience that benefits the entire organisation.

ISC Group's Commitment to Supporting Neurodiverse Women

Recognising the need to better support neurodiverse women in the reinsurance sector, ISC Group is spearheading initiatives aimed at fostering a more inclusive workplace. With over 20 years of experience in supporting women in the re/insurance industry, ISC Group is uniquely positioned to drive this change.

Their extensive market knowledge, long-term partnerships, and access to a network of over 10,000 members make them a powerful advocate for neurodiverse women.

ISC Group is currently undertaking a comprehensive research project focused on the intersection of neurodiversity, mental health, and physical health in women throughout their careers in the re/insurance industry.

This research aims to understand the specific challenges faced by neurodiverse women and how these challenges impact their career progression, retention, and overall well-being. By identifying these issues, ISC Group hopes to develop tailored strategies and solutions that will enable neurodiverse women to thrive in the workplace.

The findings of this research will be compiled into a white paper that will serve as a resource for businesses in the reinsurance sector. This white paper will provide actionable insights and recommendations on how to create a more supportive and inclusive environment for neurodiverse women.

Additionally, ISC Group is planning a series of training programs and events designed to raise awareness and educate employers on the benefits of neurodiversity in the workplace. These initiatives will equip businesses with the knowledge and tools they need to accommodate neurodiverse employees and harness their unique talents.

The business benefits of embracing neurodiversity

Supporting neurodiverse women in the reinsurance sector is not just a matter of social responsibility; it also offers significant business benefits. Diverse teams are more innovative and better at problem-solving, leading to improved business outcomes. By creating an environment where neurodiverse women can thrive, businesses can gain a competitive edge, attracting and retaining top talent who bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas.

Moreover, companies that prioritise inclusivity and support for neurodiverse employees are likely to see higher employee engagement and satisfaction, leading to better retention rates and reduced turnover costs. In a sector where talent is a key driver of success, these benefits cannot be overstated.

As the re/insurance sector continues to evolve, the inclusion of neurodiverse women in senior leadership and other key roles will be crucial for driving innovation and maintaining a competitive edge. ISC Group’s commitment to supporting these women through research, training, and advocacy is a vital step towards creating a more inclusive and equitable industry. By recognising and valuing the unique contributions of neurodiverse women, the re/insurance sector can unlock new potential and achieve greater success in the years to come.


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