Keep your eyes on insurance broker Sure Thing, which has set its sights on a meteoric rise as it reveals plans to launch its own underwriting arm.
The company has set its sights on boosting its market coverage and expanding its panel of insurers and is currently engaging with potential capacity providers that it hopes can support its efforts.
To further enhance its position it has brought in Kevin Kiernan to lead the development of its strategy. Kiernan joins from
Ageas and boasts more than 30 years’ experience in the industry.
Speaking in a press release, Brendan Devine, the CEO of Sure Thing, commented that Kiernan’s appointment will help drive the company forward.
“This is an important development for us in our evolution as a digital insurance provider,” he said. “We are absolutely committed to being a broker and the launch of the underwriting arm is intended to complement our existing panel, whilst allowing us to expand our footprint and ensure we cater to our growing customer needs.
“The vision is to enhance the panel we have today, developing products for current low converting business and fill-in where we have gaps in our existing offering.
“Kevin is widely regarded as one of the best and most experienced underwriters in the UK motor insurance industry and we are delighted to bring him on board to help the growth and long-term success of our business.”
In addition to working at Ageas, Kiernan was also director of personal lines at Groupama and had responsibility for a £0.5 billion portfolio.
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