New IFoA president takes over

President-elect also comes on board

New IFoA president takes over

Insurance News

By Terry Gangcuangco

Kartina Tahir Thomson has commenced her term as president of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA), succeeding Kalpana Shah. Joining the leadership team, meanwhile, as president-elect is Paul Sweeting.

“I am delighted to be taking on the role of president of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries,” Tahir Thomson said during her presidential address in London. “It is an honour to be following on from Kalpana Shah, whose leadership over the past year has been inspirational.

“There is a lot to do in this sessional term, but my theme – to ensure a sustainable future for the next generation of actuaries – will keep me focussed. I am passionate about the relevance that we, as actuaries, have in the future.

“I will be working with my fellow Council members to set out the detail of our vision for the IFoA. I will also focus on member experience and engagement in my term.”

She described her role as a privilege, adding: “I am greatly looking forward to serving as your president and seeing what we can accomplish, together. Together we are stronger. Together, we can create a powerful and inspiring future for the next generation of actuaries.”

IFoA interim chief executive Ben Kemp offered his congratulations to the new president.

“I would like to congratulate Kartina on becoming IFoA president,” Kemp stated. “Kartina has already shown great dedication to engaging with the members of the IFoA and understanding the issues that matter to them. I look forward to working with Kartina to deliver on her priorities and on the IFoA’s strategy.”

Kemp also acknowledged Shah’s contributions and took the opportunity to thank the immediate past president for her “incredibly hard work” over the past 12 months. Additionally, he welcomed Sweeting in his new capacity as president-elect.

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