The Older Drivers Task Force has today published a report titled
Supporting Safe Driving into Old Age, which includes recommendations for the government, insurers and brokers on how to make driving safer for older people.
One of the key recommendations of the report is that drivers over 75, when renewing their licence, should provide proof of a recent eyesight test. The report also suggests the DVLA, insurers and others should encourage people over 60 to undertake a vision test every two years.
Ageas UK supported the Older Driver Taskforce, and the company’s CEO Andy Watson urged the government to consider the recommendations made in the report.
“We know only too well the devastating effect of crashes and it is right to show a greater interest in preventing accidents among the over 75s,” he said. “This does more than merely protect their safety: it also helps vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists of all ages whom we fear, based on our own claims data, are more likely to be seriously injured by an older driver.”
Watson said that Ageas particularly supports the mandatory eye sight test recommendation.
In total the report made seven recommendations to government including: improving road designs, evaluating existing driving appraisal courses and offering alternatives to driving for older people.
The report also recommends insurers pool their data regarding major claims for older drivers to understand the detailed causes of accidents.
Chairman of the Older Drivers Task force John Plowman said age itself should not be a barrier to safe driving.
“Encouraging voluntary, confidential driving appraisals so that they become the norm not a stigma and helping older drivers understand and use the latest safety-driven vehicle technology will make a big difference,” he said.
Andrew Jones MP, minister for road safety, also welcomed the report.
The Older Driver Taskforce is an initiative of the Road Safety Foundation and was proposed by the foundation in November 2014.
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