"AllClear has had little choice"

Previously announced policy benefit pulled

"AllClear has had little choice"

Insurance News

By Terry Gangcuangco

The British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) has issued an important notice concerning its medical travel insurance scheme provider, AllClear.

It was previously announced that policies sold via allclearbiba.co.uk would cover medical emergency expenses as well as cancellation and/or curtailment for claims related to COVID-19. Now it appears AllClear has been forced into a change.

“As a result of the recent change in travel advice for Spain and France and the decision by some airlines and package operators to continue offering their services despite FCO (Foreign & Commonwealth Office) advice against travel, AllClear has had little choice but to remove the benefit for cancellation and curtailment for a subsequent change in FCO advice,” explained the trade body.

“It was felt that they could be unfairly selected against offering a benefit that others in the market didn’t, impacting the overall position of their portfolio.”

According to BIBA, the cover benefit will be honoured for the change in FCO advice for policies sold between July 27 and 6pm of August 06. The benefit will not be included in policies sold after that time.

The association added: “It’s really important to remember that travelling against Foreign & Commonwealth Office advice invalidates all cover benefits on a travel insurance policy, and clients need to be encouraged to keep up to date with the FCO website and to read the policy wording.”

Meanwhile AllClear has produced a comprehensive cover table brokers can refer to at allcleartravel.co.uk/coronavirus-cover-scenarios-biba.

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