Councillor on €18k motor insurance quote: "absolute nonsense"

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Councillor on €18k motor insurance quote: "absolute nonsense"

Motor & Fleet

By Terry Gangcuangco

In October it was reported that motorists in East London paid the highest third quarter insurance premiums, at an average of £1,315, across the UK. Now a young driver in neighbouring Ireland has reportedly been quoted an eye-catching amount.

“Absolute nonsense” was how Councillor Padraig Fallon put it, according to a Leitrim Observer report, after an 18-year-old received a discounted quote of €18,693 for comprehensive motor insurance. The policy would have been more expensive by a hundred euros had it not been applied for online.

“It’s not like these young people are just hopping into cars and driving away,” the report quoted Padraig as saying during the latest Manorhamilton Municipal District meeting. “They now have to take 12 lessons (with an ADI registered instructor) and so it is wrong to penalise them just because of their age and experience.”

Describing the rates for the demographic as extortionate, the North Leitrim councillor pushed for a probe into pricing.

“I think something needs to be done about the quotes being given to young drivers,” he said. “Families are finding they have to help with insurance costs for their children and it isn’t fair.

“The insurance industry needs to be cognisant of the fact that one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to a (motoring insurance) policy.”


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