Tracey Malcolm

Tracey Malcolm

Tracey Malcolm

Global Future of Work & Risk Leader



Tracey is the Global Future of Work & Risk Leader at WTW. Tracey is currently responsible for advancing solutions across work risk and delivering key client engagements around new work-risk strategies. She works with executive leadership teams in defining and implementing transformational change to strengthen business performance and create value opportunities from defined risk.

Over the years Tracey has worked with clients on many notable projects including:

  • Helping a water utility set a new workforce strategy for future jobs and skills based on changing technology across field operations and customer service
  • Evaluating changing work at a manufacturer and the new total cost of work
  • Aligning a nuclear power organization’s work requirements and job design for Plant Management across various facilities given new goals and standards
  • Identifying emerging skills and setting a workforce plan for a new green energy technology company
  • Reinventing key work processes and jobs for a paintings and coatings manufacturer, including batch quality control
  • Reviewing and redesigning the risk management functional organization design of an oil and gas company
  • Setting a future work strategy and new governance approach for a biotechnology company to address increased automation and new sources of talent; prioritizing risks, setting measures and completing action planning
  • Analyzing the future of work and risk for an international insurance company, including the impact of automation on key jobs and the identification of emerging skills
  • Completing analysis and recommendations for a US state addressing climate change, providing expertise on the changing demand and supply of related jobs and skills to environmental risk


Her client work and thought leadership is recognized in industry, including a CLO award, keynote in Top 100 Employer Summit, and articles in the Harvard Business Review, among others. Tracey has completed Said Business School’s High Performance Leadership Program at Oxford University, is certified in leadership development and assessment, and served on the Canadian Governor General’s Task Force on Employee and Employer Relations. Prior to joining WTW in 2010, Tracey was an Executive with Accenture.

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