Technology is an emerging giant in the insurance industry worldwide.
It has seeped seamlessly into our lives and the workplace, opening up hoards of opportunities and challenges.
The new insurance workplace is ‘on-demand’. Customers and clients expect to live-chat with a broker at all hours, or compare policy rates online before buying directly at the click of a button. They want fast, cheap, and easy insurance, which can be bolstered by embracing tech.
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“Mobility is a growing trend in the new workplace,” said Randi Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Zuckerberg Media and former director of market development at Facebook. “The mobile climate has opened up the opportunity for millions of people to join the workforce in a meaningful way.
“People who need to work from home can do so, and companies can now set up satellite offices out of people’s living rooms. This new mobility is opening up a brand-new workforce across North America.”
Adopting modern approaches to staffing and workplace mobility could help address the insurance workforce gap that’s causing so much concern among seasoned professionals.
Another way to keep staff engaged and generate a “creative” culture in the business is to hold hackathons and thinkathons to pool together and consider the best of your employees’ industry input, according to Zuckerberg.
“The new workplace is incredibly creative. You will amaze yourself at the ideas you can come up with in just one hour if you get together a bunch of people within your company or your brokerage and discuss ways to enrich and invigorate the business. It really is incredible what people can come up with in one or two hours,” she added.
So, technology not only brings the workplace up-to-date, but it can also assist with unique staffing methods and nurture creativity within a business.
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