The Centre for Study of Insurance Operations (CSIO) has extended its congratulations to Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company for being the first Canadian insurer to earn CSIO’s Claims eDocs Certification.
Specifically, Wawanesa earned Phase 1 of the Claims eDocs Certification for opening, re-opening, and closing claims notifications; it covers use cases established by CSIO’s Innovation and Emerging Technology (INNOTECH) Claims Working Group. Among other things, Phase 1 certification means the insurer will provide “opening notice,” which means brokers are notified of the type of claim their client reported when it is entered into an insurer’s system.
The certification is proof that the insurer’s implementation of Claims eDocs meets CSIO Standards, a release said. Certification means Wawanesa is able to seamless exchange data between its systems and its broker partners’ broker management systems (BMS).
Claims eDocs enables brokers to access information related to a client’s claim via their BMS – this reduces the back-and-forth between brokers and insurers, CSIO said, and will lead to a more streamlined claims process.
“Wawanesa is committed to supporting brokers by investing in solutions that reduce friction throughout the entire lifecycle of a policy,” said Wawanesa director of digital services and INNOTECH advisory committee member Mike Wachal. That’s why earning this CSIO certification is so important. Paperless workflows and digital efficiencies make a big difference, so we moved quickly for the benefit of our broker partners and customers.”
“Customers experiencing a claim rely on their insurers and brokers to help them navigate through the claims process, that is why it was important for the industry to come together to create a digital solution that makes the claims process easier for everyone involved,” said CSIO president and CEO Catherine Smola. “I congratulate Wawanesa on being the first insurer to earn CSIO Certification for Claims eDocs. As more vendors and insurers program
Claims eDocs, digital operations across the industry will continuously improve.
A release from CSIO said that Wawanesa is scheduled to complete Phase 2 certification by the end of 2022, which includes use cases that provide information on how the claims are being handled (i.e., adjuster assignment).
Wawanesa’s certification comes after the insurer recently launched a new small business commercial API, which conforms to the data standards set by the CSIO. The new API allows brokers to securely connect their information systems with Wawanesa’s, which in turn enables them to produce small business insurance quotes in a matter of seconds.