The COVID-19 pandemic may have prevented public gatherings, but the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) has offered a reminder that the ShakeOut BC earthquake drill event is still pushing through – in the form of a virtual drill.
IBC said that ShakeOut BC is an opportunity for BC residents to practice how to be safe when a tremor strikes. It might sound simple to practice how to “drop, cover, and hold,” but the bureau says it is important to commit this response to muscle memory – it will help people react quickly in the event of an emergency, and ensure they find a safe space during an earthquake.
The bureau said in a release that the ShakeOut virtual drill can be performed anywhere – at home, work, school, or even through a video conference.
ShakeOut BC is set to take place on October 15, 2020 at 10:15am. Those interested in participating are encouraged to visit the official website for more details on how to register for the event; the website also has helpful resources on how to hold a drill, and other safety tips for when an earthquake occurs.