In line with the Great ShakeOut event this month, the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) has revealed the results of its latest poll on earthquake risk, which uncovered some startling information.
According to the IBC poll, only 8% of Quebecers think their home is at risk of damage because of an earthquake. Similarly, 33% mistakenly believe that they are insured for earthquake risk – when only 4% of Quebec residents are actually covered for the risk.
“These results are worrying when we know that Quebec has already experienced strong magnitude quakes and that the risk of a new one is only too real,” commented IBC director of communications and public affairs Pierre Babinsky.
“The impact would be significant for the citizens affected and for the Quebec economy.”
As part of the Great ShakeOut earthquake preparedness event, IBC helped develop a VR simulation experience that allows participants to experience what it is like to be in the midst of a tremor.
“We fine-tuned this tool so that it offers a realistic immersion for the participant. It’s a way of drawing attention to personal and material safety issues resulting from a quake,” noted Babinsky.
IBC hopes the VR experience can help teach people the three emergency steps that they should follow during an earthquake event: Drop, Cover (under a solid piece of furniture), and Hold On. These steps are the same instructions given during the Great ShakeOut drill.
The Great ShakeOut is an annual international earthquake drill; this year, it will be held today (on October 17), at 10:17am.