Calgary hailstorm now qualifies for provincial disaster assistance

Funding to cover for uninsurable losses to homes, businesses, and public infrastructure

Calgary hailstorm now qualifies for provincial disaster assistance

Catastrophe & Flood

By Lyle Adriano

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has declared that the massive hailstorm that hit Calgary on June 13 now qualifies for provincial aid.

The announcement comes after communities in the affected areas called for the provincial government to declare the severe weather event a disaster, which would enable Alberta to provide financial assistance.

The storm was determined to be an “extraordinary event” and qualified for provincial assistance, the premier explained in a statement. Through the provincial aid, the communities of Calgary, Airdrie and Rocky View County will be offered financial assistance on an expedited basis.

Kenney said that to receive the financial aid, municipalities will have to submit applications to the province for costs and damages arising from the hailstorm. While an exact figure for the financial aid has yet to be determined, CBC News reported that the amount will likely depend on the applications the province receives.

The funding will cover for uninsurable losses to homes, businesses, and public infrastructure. The funding will also pay for costs incurred by municipalities that responded to the emergency and for clean-up efforts.

Kenney noted that 99% of damage on private property is covered by insurance, and that there have been more than 35,000 claims related to the hailstorm submitted so far. He also said that almost 400 homes and small businesses sustained overland flood damage, which qualifies for government support.

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