Travelers Canada expedites payments to eligible brokers

It accelerates its payments to brokers to help them in this time of crisis

Travelers Canada expedites payments to eligible brokers

Insurance News

By Lyle Adriano

Travelers Canada has announced that it will expedite its payments to eligible brokers as a way to support them amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The insurer said that the accelerated payments will be made in mid- to late-April.

“As part of our ongoing COVID-19 relief efforts, Travelers Canada is standing by its broker partners,” Travelers Canada president and CEO Heather Masterson said in a statement. “Many of our brokers are small business owners and are facing financial challenges due to the pandemic. This plan will help ease near-term cash flow challenges, so brokers can continue to focus on providing their invaluable care and counsel to customers.”

Faster broker payments are just one of several measures Travelers is implementing in this time of crisis. The company has offered billing relief to customers and has pledged about $5 million to support families and communities across North America.

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