Kenora Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) issued a notice saying that while snowmobile operators can have fun with their recreational vehicles in the snow, they must still adhere to the laws of the Motorized Snow Vehicles Act.
The notice followed a number of complaints regarding all-terrain vehicles traveling side-by-side on groomed snowmobile trails and causing damage. The police explained that the trails should only be used by machines designed specifically for travel over snow.
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Officers continue to conduct trail patrols in the area,
Thunder Bay Chronicle reported, reminding snowmobile operators that they need a valid Ontario Federation Snowmobile Club (OFSC) trail permit affixed to their snowmobile, proof of valid insurance, a driver’s licence and a registration number affixed to the sled with a current validation sticker.
Snowmobile enthusiasts have been encouraged to check the OFSC’s website to keep up-to-date with trail conditions.
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