Turnabout is fair play, with an insurance industry veteran now taking on leadership of another industry’s professional association – that after a similar defection but in reverse.
Mortgage Professionals Canada, formerly CAAMP (Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals), has now announced the appointment of Paul Taylor president and CEO effective Monday, January 11.
“Taylor brings to this role an extensive background in sales, education and operations, and an expertise in the insurance industry, which shares many parallels with the mortgage world – specifically regarding product distribution,” reads a press statement from the association.
Taylor, 40, was formerly the Director of Operations for the Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario (
IBAO) for more than five years. Prior to that, he served in the association’s management for five years.
Taylor, who enjoyed a successful stint at Towers Watson, will replace former CAAMP head Jim Murphy, who joined the IBAO last July as its leader.
Mortgage brokers and their counterparts in insurance are facing the same fight against large consumer-direct players, primarily the banks. Taylor’s appointment, the result of an exhaustive search, is expected to better arm Canadian mortgage brokers with some of the same tools – or arms – they’ve used to fend off deep-pocketed competitors.