A special cast coverage in the movie insurance taken out by the people behind the Fast & Furious franchise may rescue the production following the death of its star, Paul Walker.
Universal Studios had approached the film’s editors to review the existing footage with Walker to recreate a new script – a move that would have created a large additional expense, if the filmmakers had not included special cast protection to the film’s general liability.
Fortunately for the producers, the coverage carried by the film made sure that if one of its artists became ill, injured, or die, then a special cast protection in addition to general liability would provide payment for the expenses relating to having to replace or re-shoot – or to even continue on with a new actor, instead.
The death of a major star during filming is reminiscent of a similar situation, says Tom Butler, vice president and general manager for K&K Insurance Canada.
“It is very similar to the Heath Ledger situation and the Batman series,” Butler told Insurance Business. “The film producers had coverage for this too. It is like anything involving insurance – you offer all the coverages available, but ultimately the client decides what they want.”
Ledger’s suicide death came near the end of the filming of The Dark Knight – and there remains speculation that there was more scheduled filming of Ledger, but in the wake of his death filmmakers instead re-edited the ending with existing footage. (continued.)
Walker and his best friend Roger Rodas, died only moments after having left a fundraiser that was being held for his own charity, Reach Out WorldWide on November 30. The Los Angeles County Coroner only recently confirmed that Walker died from the “combined effects of traumatic and thermal injuries” following the crash and fire.
Walker had been a passenger in the vehicle.
Immediately following Walker’s death, Universal issued a statement that read: “At this time we feel it is our responsibility to shut down production on Fast & Furious 7 for a period of time so we can assess all options available to move forward with the franchise.”