$40 million for legs? Crazy celebrity insurance policies revealed

Many celebrities renowned for their “assets” choose to insure their most lusted after body parts. These are the top 10 most outrageous policies.

Insurance News


Last week, TMZ reported a claim that Taylor Swift looked into obtaining coverage for her legs – and that each one on her 5’10” body was valued at $20 million, totaling $40 million for the pair.

While this report has yet to be substantiated, Swift would not be the first pop culture icon to take out insurance policies on a valued body part. 

Here are the top 10 craziest policies from the land of Hollywood, according to Business Insider:
10. Dolly Parton insured her allegedly 40DD breasts for $600,000
9. Keith Richards has a $1.6 million Lloyd’s of London policy to cover his hands
8. Australian pop singer Kylie Minogue has her butt insured for $5 million
7. Bruce Springsteen knows he’s “The Boss” and ensures his vocal chords for $6 million
6. Daniel Craig insured his entire body for  $9.5 million when filming “Quantum of Solace”
5. Aquafresh covered America Ferrera’s smile for $10 million when she served as its spokeswoman
4. Julia Roberts allegedly insured her world-famous smile for $30 million, so in the event of misfortune, she can still smile all the way to the bank
3. Mariah Carey allegedly insured her legs for $1 billion (with a b!), and that’s after deducting $200,000 for a scar
2. Like T-Swift and Mariah Carey, Cristiano Ronaldo also has his legs insured – but for sport, not appearance.  His have $144 million coverage.
1. The legendary Fred Astaire may have come from a different era, but he knew what he was worth.  His legs were insured $75,000 each, and he also had coverage on his wrists and arms for $20,000

Of course, these are just the visible parts of stars’ insured anatomies.  David Lee Roth of Van Halen has what might be the craziest – or forward-thinking? – policy of all: $1 million on his sperm, according to Cracked. 

That way, if he “accidentally” impregnates a female fan, he is safe from a potential paternity suit.

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