Every savvy broker knows the value of having a strong web presence in today’s competitive market. Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn – they all have their benefits. But any effective web strategy must start with optimizing your own website.
“Whenever a consumer is looking for insurance they start with the internet - that happens whether they’re looking at the big insurance firms or local agents,” says Laird Rixford, President at Insurance Technologies Corporation (ITC). “The first thing that someone wants to do is research, that’s where the online experience begins.”
If your website looks like it was designed a decade ago, you’re going to be at a competitive disadvantage. “The design has to capture your attention and have a good call to-action,” says Rixford. “Companies with modern sites look like they know what they’re doing; they look like they’re on the ball.”
Once someone navigates to your site, you have three seconds to capture their attention. “If they decide your site is worth staying on, you have another four to five seconds to convince them to stay,” Rixford says. “Having good design, layout and call-to-actions will help you do that.”
2. No blog
Having a blog is a great way of talking with and educating your clients and prospects about anything insurance related. It’s an easy way to communicate. “Having stories published on a regular basis shows that you care,” says Rixford. “Not just about the future of your prospects and clients, but about your web presence because nothing is more detrimental than an abandoned website or blog.”
Also, search engines are growing increasingly sophisticated and publish fresh, unique content higher up their results pages. Regularly publishing blog content is a good way to get your site seen as a valuable content resource by the search engines.
3. A blank ‘About Us’ page
“The About Us’ page is where you should be telling your story: who you are and what you’re about,” Rixford says. “By leaving this section blank and not telling your story, you’re missing the chance to create a personable impression of your agency.”
Your ‘About Us’ shouldn’t just contain plain, boring text about when your agency was founded and what service you offer. It needs to be more than that. Share your history as human story that clients, prospects and random site visitors can relate to. Also, try showcasing your employees with a headshot and short bio for the added personal touch.