Tree crushes car in Montreal, insurer leaves handy flyer

A tree fell onto a nearby car parked along Hutchison Street; an insurance company was kind enough to leave a flyer at the scene to help the poor car owner

Motor & Fleet

By Lyle Adriano

Hutchinson St. in Montreal was closed Monday morning when a tree fell onto the roof of a car parked nearby, crushing the vehicle. Curiously, the damaged car’s dash has a flyer from an insurance company advertising the insurer’s auto coverage.

According to CBC News, the tree appeared to have suffered extensive rot from the inside, which could have led to its fall.

The public trees grown along Hutchinson were predominantly Norway Maples.

City crew closed off the street until after 8 a.m. so it could saw the tree into manageable pieces for disposal.

Ironically, the car has a parking sticker on the dash for the Morgan Arboretum.

A correspondent from CBC News was quick to point out that an insurance company had left a flyer on the damaged car’s windshield. The news outlet did not identify the insurer in question.

Two months ago in Toronto, a branch fell off from a tree in Trinity Bellwoods Park, causing fatal injuries to a man resting underneath the Siberian elm with his wife. Audit documents later revealed that the tree was previously flagged two years ago as “at risk” for disease and/or decay, suggesting that the city could be held liable for the freak accident.

It is unknown if the city of Montreal would similarly be held liable for the damages caused Monday.

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