James Roe has been serving the insurance industry from the day he joined Arlington/Roe, the MGA and wholesale insurance broker his father founded in 1964. In 1987, Roe took over the business as president and has since grown the company from $7.5 million to more than $205 million today. Although growing up, Roe aspired to be a priest and then a lawyer so he could serve and lead people in their time of need, he found that insurance fulfilled his desire to serve his community.
Throughout his career, Roe has supported numerous insurance organizations and their initiatives at both the state and national levels. He is past president of the AAMGA and past director of NAPSLO, and he has served on various legislative committees. Roe and his team also actively participate in and support the local activities of state organizations such as the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America and Professional Insurance Agents. Outside of his industry involvements, Roe devotes time to the community by serving on the board of Scecina Memorial High School and leading his company to support a philanthropic organization every month.