10 Keys to making social media profitable

Here’s how to take your social media strategy from being an expense to making a profit

So what are the 10 best ways to turn social media into money? Here are Jay Pring’s, Managing director of Obviam – Creative Social Media, 10 top tips:
1. Engage in two-way conversation
If reposting something interesting, add your own opinion or question; that way people can interact with you and spark discussion.
2. Don’t brag
You might love your recent successes, but most social media audiences won’t care. Add context to your success stories to ensure your posts have meaning and relevance.
3. Give a proper response
Don’t just say thanks if someone’s posted a comment. Add a personalized response.
4. Post different content on each platform
No one wants to read the same message on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. It shows a lack of creativity and fails to consider the unique benefits of the various platforms you employ.
5. Be consistent with your topics
If a certain post gained a lot of attention it means that people want to hear or see more. Make a second post asking your fans for their opinion.
6. Don’t act like the authority
If you’re well informed on a topic, that doesn’t give you the right to act as an authority on it in your posts. Don’t talk down to your fans.This could come off as intimidating or unappealing.
7. Use LinkedIn at least once a day
LinkedIn is a great place to connect with old colleagues, classmates, or customers. It’s a great way to promote your professional services.
8. Add a little humor
Who wants a bland brand? Spice up your posts with some gentle, thought-provoking humor. But avoid sexism, racism or religion so as not to offend.
9. Ask and you won’t receive
Asking people to like and follow you isn’t very effective. Give them compelling content and a reason to follow you and share your posts.
10. Do not use tragedy for promotion
Brands have suffered by using a tragedy to promote themselves. It’s not only incredibly disrespectful but shines a terrible light on your brand and personality. No apology can fix that.

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