The Professional Insurance Agents of Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey and New York are giving independent agents a chance to speak out on the insurance companies they do business with. Launched Monday, the Company Performance Surveys allow producers to rate companies on 20 performance items, including claims handling, products and pricing, underwriting, technology and market support.
The anonymous survey has been administered for more than a decade in each state, and is an important indicator of the functionality of producer/carrier relationships, said PIA.
“Since its inception, PIA has been trending the data compiled by the Company Performance Survey,” said Scott Johnston, president of PIANH. “Agents and companies have been able to track performance and PIA continues to build the information it can share regarding the results of the survey.
Even those who are not official PIA members can submit feedback.
“This survey is open to all professional independent insurance agents—whether they are PIA members or not,” said Peter Frascarelli, president of PIACT. “I encourage all agents to be candid with their responses and provide helpful feedback to their companies through this anonymous survey.”
The survey, which can be found on each state PIA page under “Rate your carriers—Take the Company Performance Survey,” will run through the end of June. Results are expected to be available in October.
“The focus of this survey is to build relationships between agents and their companies,” said Stephen P. Tague, president of PIANJ. “That being said, when the relationships between agents and their companies are strong, everyone benefits, including their clients.”
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