Women In Insurance LA: Early Bird tickets available now

Featuring the likes of Liberty, Palomar, Chubb, Hiscox and Monarch, the in-person summit is set to be the best yet

Women In Insurance LA: Early Bird tickets available now

Insurance News


The tables are beginning to turn in the insurance world, as more and more women rise through the ranks to become leaders in their chosen field. And while many firms like to talk the talk when it comes to diversity, peer to peer support and female mentorship are the key ways to show support and champion more women into the sector.

To that end, Insurance Business is proud to announce the return of Women In Insurance Los Angeles on October 29, 2024.

Featuring the likes of Liberty, Palomar, Chubb, Hiscox and Monarch, the in-person summit is tailored to insurance professionals looking to make new connections, discover new ideas, and explore the hot topics women face in the industry.

One such session, hosted by Yiana Stavrakis, president at Monarch, and Katie Pope, VP at Liberty, will touch on insurance’s digital revolution – in particular how to navigate the disruptive technology of tomorrow.

This fireside chat is designed to help women learn more about the unique opportunities and challenges that lay ahead for insurance professionals, and gain insights from industry leaders on how to:   

  • Balance technological advancements with strategic business planning  
  • Deliver customer-centric solutions that align with the digital lifestyles of modern consumers  
  • Address cybersecurity concerns, fortify digital defences, and protect sensitive customer data 
  • Foster a culture that values agility, innovation, and continuous learning 
  • Effectively assess and weigh the right options for your unique needs 

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to rub shoulders with industry greats, glean insights into new best practices and network with your peers.

Early bird tickets are available now – grab yours while you still can here.

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