Bill Ross has been the CEO of the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation for nearly a decade but 2013 was a special year for him.
After years of kicking around the possibility of using some of the IICF’s fundraising dollars to promote childhood literacy, Ross and his team officially launched The Early Childhood Literacy Initiative in October. Its first act? To partner with “Sesame Street” to develop digital games and resources to help children in low-income areas learn the joy of literacy.
That’s what makes Ross one of Insurance Business’s Hot 100 of 2013.
Know someone else who belongs on the list with Ross in our inaugural Hot 100? Let us know!
We’re looking for folks who have gone above and beyond to help the industry or the community — or turn a profit. And it isn’t just the top execs who qualify. We want to know about everyone from the ground floor on up who has been a difference maker, whether that’s reaching out to the underprivileged like Ross or finding new ways to grow a business.
To help ensure we don’t miss anyone, we’re asking you to submit your suggestions for IB’s Hot 100 issue, which will hit desks in December.
To nominate someone, please email [email protected] describing why you think this person deserves to be included and look for the Hot 100 in the next issue of Insurance Business.