Motor & Fleet

Nevada bill expands definition of casualty insurance to include legal expense coverage

Nevada bill expands definition of casualty insurance to include legal expense coverage

Lawmakers suggest insurance payouts for lawyers

Shaw Zhu Mar 27, 2025
Attorney sanctioned for creating sham trucking entity to sue insurer

Attorney sanctioned for creating sham trucking entity to sue insurer

Lawyer created fake trucking company to file a lawsuit

Nevada hit as 22,000 auto policyholders must replace coverage

Nevada hit as 22,000 auto policyholders must replace coverage

Financial shortfall forces insurer to halt new business

What it takes to build fleet safety culture in a riskier landscape

What it takes to build fleet safety culture in a riskier landscape

Consistent messaging and employee involvement drive long-term improvement

Defendant gets break in civil racketeering charge bought by American Transit Insurance Company in NY

Defendant gets break in civil racketeering charge bought by American Transit Insurance Company in NY

Insurer claims multimillion dollar fraud, racketeering

Can a lienholder dispute an insurer's valuation of a totaled car?

Can a lienholder dispute an insurer's valuation of a totaled car?

Court case turns on who has the right to an appraisal

Motorists Commercial Mutual Insurance v Farm Bureau over dealer courtesy van crash

Motorists Commercial Mutual Insurance v Farm Bureau over dealer courtesy van crash

A courtesy van was rear-ended – who is liable?

US car thefts see largest drop in years

US car thefts see largest drop in years

Washington, Nevada, and Oregon record the biggest falls

State Farm in court after insurance agent puts wrong information on certificate

State Farm in court after insurance agent puts wrong information on certificate

It's insurance policy v insurance certificate when contractor has serious accident

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