What a year it’s been!
What was heading to be a benign year for claims was turned on its head in the last quarter. It’s too early to count the losses, but the Sky City Convention Centre fire, the Timaru hailstorm and the floods of early December will produce a chunky claims number.
While it was a quiet year for claims for most of the year, it was the busiest by any measure for submissions on consultation papers, legislation and regulations. It won’t let up next year either. The bigger ticket and ‘known’ items include conduct of financial institutions and accompanying regulations, draft insurance contract law legislation, the review of the Insurance Prudential Supervision Act, the funding of Fire and Emergency New Zealand and the future EQC scheme.
As the year draws toward a close, this is the time when you can make some wishes for the year ahead. So, indulge me with 10 wishes for 2020:
And an extra wish - that everyone has a safe, happy and relaxing Christmas with family and friends, so you come back recharged to crack into the year ahead.