Its Friday the 13th - ACC's favourite day of the year

Find out why the day we all fear has become a favourite for one insurer

Its Friday the 13th - ACC's favourite day of the year

Insurance News

By Krizzel Canlas

If New Zealanders were as careful every day as they are on Friday the 13th, state insurer Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) says it would be very happy.

Friday the 13th is typically associated with bad luck and misfortune. However, according to ACC, Friday the 13th last October 2017 was a safer day when compared to the following Friday by nearly 900 claims.

“New Zealanders may have let their superstitions get the better of them, and were more cautious around the house and on the road,” it said. “There were, however, eight injury claims caused by cats, and 23 injuries resulting from accidents on ladders.”

On Friday, October 13, 2017, ACC said it received cat-related claims for trips, bites and scratches. This, however, had nothing specifically to do with black cats, which are thought to bring bad luck if one crosses your path.

“The colour of the cats did not appear to be a contributing factor to the claims,” it noted.

ACC also said it received no claims, for bad luck or otherwise, as a result of walking under a ladder – another superstition that is believed to bring someone misfortune. Instead, the insurer said, missing a step, slips and scrapes were the most common ladder injuries received.

ACC outlined a more practical safety approach when going up (not under) a ladder. These include:

  • Secure the ladder on an even surface to avoid awkward falls or slips;
  • If a ladder is broken or has loose or missing parts don’t use it – it’s not worth the risk;
  • Use a ladder with slip-resistant feet and ask someone to hold it steady;
  • Never have tools on other items on the steps or hanging from the rungs;
  • When burying a ladder, always look for the standards approved label (AS/NZS 1892.1.1996).

“A careful, common-sense approach to household hazards is the best way to approach Friday the 13th – and every other day,” the insurer added.


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