Brokers in the fire and general arena are in hot demand according to the latest Quarterly Report by specialist recruitment experts Hays.
The need is predominantly in the regional areas of New Zealand, the report says, and is due to growth within certain companies and a shortage of strong candidates outside the main centres.
Other insurance professionals in demand are loss adjustors for fixed term contracts particularly in Christchurch as a result of the floods over Easter.
The floods have also prompted fixed term contracts for personal lines claims consultants in Christchurch and Auckland.
Jobs are also becoming available for underwriters in the rural and property sectors as new roles are created and staff resign.
“Currently there is a shortage of immediately available staff for claims positions and good temporary claims candidates are hired quickly,” the report said.
“New jobs in areas such as underwriting and claims are being created, but generally most roles are replacements for employees who have been promoted, gone overseas or found a new employer.”
And consultants for third party recoveries in Auckland are also in demand both back office and phone based for fixed term and permanent roles.
The report said it was a good market for these employees due to there being plenty of other offers around.
“Employers are required to make decisions and interview quickly as there are more options available to candidates,” the report said.
“For example, a good candidate will have multiple offers pending from multiple employers and are also likely to be counter-offered by their current employer.”
The level of internal changes and mergers is leading to an increase in the need for temporary staff to cover gaps until the new structure is in place and staff numbers are confirmed, the report said.
“The broker market is more stable than the insurer market, with a focus on growth, but not a lot of restructuring is happening,” it said.
Hays New Zealand managing director, Jason Walker, warned that while the general upswing in business confidence had led to a meaningful increase in hiring intentions, experience still counted.
“Employers are mainly looking for experienced candidates who can hit the ground running and support the growth of their business,” he said.