Jennifer Calder is Senior Risk Advisor at
Why insurance?
Insurance broking is in fact good fun and a great challenge. You get let into the ‘inner sanctum’ of peoples’ businesses and get given the responsibility of ensuring they can survive and thrive if Murphy’s Law strikes.
How would you sum up insurance brokers in three words?
Talkers, movers, advisers.
How would you change the industry?
I would make it paperless!
Best advice you’ve ever been given?
Never assume anything. Ever.
What’s the most important thing a broker can do to develop their business?
Maintain relationships with current clients. Referrals are invaluable.
If you were Prime Minister for one day, what would you do?
Ban deep sea drilling.
What’s the biggest challenge facing the industry today?
One ongoing challenge is a general distrust of insurance brokers. We need to work on our reputation as being transparent in our service and trusted advisers, genuinely interested in what is best for the client and not just out to make a quick buck.
What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever arranged cover for?
Methamphetamine detectors to be installed in rental properties.
What has been the highlight of your career?
Any time you deliver on a programme that the client is happy with coverage-wise and price-wise is a real highlight. A particular highlight though was presenting to a senior board of directors – incredibly nerve-wracking but very rewarding.
What’s your favoured style of coffee?
Soy flat white.
If you could invite three people to dinner, dead or alive, and excluding family and friends, who would they be and why?
Jimmy Fallon for laughs, Lorde for music, and Nelson Mandela.
Complete this sentence: If I wasn’t in insurance, I would be…
Running an organic winery.