Family of Christchurch victim denied ACC cover

Report details case of man with declined claim

Family of Christchurch victim denied ACC cover

Insurance News

By Krizzel Canlas

A man who lost his father in the terror attack in Christchurch has allegedly been denied help from the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).

A report by Radio NZ, detailed the case of Yama Nabi, who was told by ACC that it could not help him with his lost wages, as he is struggling to return to work as a halal butcher. Nabi reportedly fears the blood he has to deal with in his job will trigger flashbacks of the tragedy.

Nabi was one of the first people on the scene of the Al Noor mosque attack. He avoided being shot by just minutes as he was running late for prayers. His father, Haji Daoud Nabi, was among the 50 victims.

The publication reported Nabi saw many of the dead and injured as he searched the mosque for his father. Now, these horrific images are stuck with him and he has since had trouble sleeping.

Radio NZ added it understands the government is considering broadening the definition of who is eligible for mental trauma funding.

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