Hong Kong Insurance Authority warns of fake AIA website scam

Warning follows recent alerts on insurance scam websites, phishing emails

Hong Kong Insurance Authority warns of fake AIA website scam


By Roxanne Libatique

The Hong Kong Insurance Authority (IA) has issued a public warning about a fraudulent website falsely claiming to represent AIA International Limited, an authorised insurer in Hong Kong.

The website, operating under the domain “hxxps://aiahk88[.]com,” appears to be designed to collect customer login credentials.

Fraudulent website poses as insurance company

AIA has confirmed that it has no connection to the site. The IA has reported the case to the Hong Kong Police Force for further investigation and advises anyone who may have provided personal information or conducted transactions through the site to contact AIA’s customer service hotline at (852) 2232-8888 and file a report with law enforcement.

Consumers are encouraged to verify the legitimacy of insurance providers by referring to the IA’s official Register of Authorized Insurers, available on its website.

Additional phishing attempts identified 

Beyond the single fraudulent website, the IA has also identified two additional sites – “hxxps://insurance025[.]com” and “hxxps://huarejie45258houtai[.]top” – that misrepresent themselves as official AIA platforms.

The regulator has also flagged a phishing email originating from “aia@traffmagic[.]com.” This email directs recipients to “hxxps://traffmagic[.]com,” a deceptive website attempting to obtain sensitive user information.

AIA has stated that it has no association with these sites or emails. The IA has referred the matter to law enforcement and urges the public to remain vigilant against scams. Anyone who has interacted with these fraudulent channels should contact AIA’s customer service and notify the police.

Recent fraud warnings in the insurance sector 

The IA’s latest warning follows an earlier alert issued on March 11 regarding fraudulent websites and social media pages impersonating Bupa (Asia) Limited, another insurer operating in Hong Kong.

Indiviuals who may have engaged with fraudulent Bupa-related sites or social media accounts have been advised to contact Bupa’s customer service at (852) 2517 5175 or email [email protected]. The IA has urged affected consumers to report their cases to the police.

Industry measures to prevent fraud 

Amid increasing scams targeting insurance consumers, the IA and other financial regulators launched the Anti-Scam Consumer Protection Charter 2.0 in 2024. The initiative aims to strengthen fraud prevention efforts within the financial sector.

Under the charter, participating financial institutions have committed to: 

  • avoiding the use of electronic messages containing links that request personal information
  • incorporating fraud alerts in customer communications
  • establishing clear channels for scam-related inquiries
  • enhancing internal fraud detection and prevention training

As of April 2024, 73 authorised insurance companies and licensed insurance brokerage firms were among the 230 financial institutions that expressed their support for the charter.

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