Ranked at No. 12 is president and CEO of US health insurance company Anthem, Gail Boudreaux. And ranked No.54 is Tricia Griffith, CEO of Progressive Corporation car insurance company.
Both women have achieved significant success for their companies.
Boudreaux, who took the helm of Fortune 50 company, Anthem, late in 2017, has completed three acquisitions, of HealthSun, America’s 1st Choice, and Aspire Health.
And on Griffith’s watch, which began in 2016, profits at Progressive reportedly more than doubled, a growth spurt that drives Progressive into third place for market share among US car insurance companies, overtaking rival Allstate, according to Forbes.
Griffiths’ powerful status comes 30 years after she joined the industry as a claims representative; and Boudreaux is described by Forbes as having established an “outstanding record of successfully leading multi-billion dollar businesses”, including: United Healthcare (CEO), and Health Care Services Corporation (executive vice president).
The Forbes list was topped by Germany’s first female Chancellor Angela Merkel for the 13th year bar one, followed by UK prime minister Theresa May, and International Monetary Fund’s managing director Christine Lagarde.