Etiqa Insurance Singapore has introduced its ‘Premier’ suite of legacy planning solutions for high-net-worth individuals. Alongside the product’s launch is an omni-channel campaign that takes an amusing look at the grave topic of bequeathing one's wealth upon passing on.
In a series of online videos, the campaign features the deceased’s children in the family living room fighting over inheritance, as well as business leaders arguing in the boardroom about what to do with the company after the owner passed away. In both scenarios, the deceased individuals’ portraits come to life and express regret about not having planned earlier.
The integrated campaign encompasses print, digital, out-of-home and free-to-air TV, including a new website offering detailed illustrations of the various legacy planning solutions available. This will be followed by personalised marketing initiatives and events targeted at high-net-worth individuals.
According to Etiqa, the product allows for wealth accumulation, asset diversification, wealth distribution, and business continuity, with exclusive access to its proprietary investment advisory service.
“Legacy planning is an important consideration when developing a sound financial strategy,” said Simon Ashton, executive vice president and head of partnerships distribution at Etiqa Singapore. “However, most people don't think about what they'd like to leave behind, or how they can do it effectively. Our ad campaign highlights the unfortunate outcomes of not having appropriate succession plans in place using a more light-hearted approach than is normally seen for this important subject.”